For the art gallery showing, I was required to title my three photo pieces. I had such a difficult time trying to acquire the best sentiments that I felt would best fit these pieces. I’ve found myself in the past being too flowery with words or dramatic with my descriptions, I know I needed to lean away from that. I’m not sure if I achieved that or not but either way, I went with my gut instinct and tried to gravitate towards symbols in my life I resonated with at the time I created these photos. I decided on these three titles:

“The in Betweens”   “Traveling Curiosities”    “Familiar Corners” …the titles were displayed so tiny I bet not many really noticed.

These photos were sadly the “lightest” and most positive art (so far) I’ve made throughout my portfolio. And how I created them I spent days lugging around heavy emotions and stress nearing college graduation trying to find some sort inspiration. And if that process isn’t art, I don’t know what is.

abstract, colors, conceptual, emotion, happiness, inspiration, photography, Uncategorized
abstract, artshareLA, photography, Uncategorized

So excited to be part of Art Share LA’s Spring 2016 gallery series Here’s The Thing! Come check out all the local artists.

“Here’s the Thing… — Exhibition 3/09 – 3/26
Gallery Opening: March 12, 7-10 PM
With visual wit and offbeat curiosity, these artists are united by an affection for the perennial charm of the everyday objects and materials taken out of context or meaningfully misused, transforming the quality of attention we pay to what might otherwise go unnoticed.”


