For the art gallery showing, I was required to title my three photo pieces. I had such a difficult time trying to acquire the best sentiments that I felt would best fit these pieces. I’ve found myself in the past being too flowery with words or dramatic with my descriptions, I know I needed to lean away from that. I’m not sure if I achieved that or not but either way, I went with my gut instinct and tried to gravitate towards symbols in my life I resonated with at the time I created these photos. I decided on these three titles:

“The in Betweens”   “Traveling Curiosities”    “Familiar Corners” …the titles were displayed so tiny I bet not many really noticed.

These photos were sadly the “lightest” and most positive art (so far) I’ve made throughout my portfolio. And how I created them I spent days lugging around heavy emotions and stress nearing college graduation trying to find some sort inspiration. And if that process isn’t art, I don’t know what is.

abstract, colors, conceptual, emotion, happiness, inspiration, photography, Uncategorized